DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE – Beginner’s Guide & Tips


The latest game of the Dragon Ball series can sometimes be pretty tough. With the following tips of our Dragon Ball Xenoverse guide, you should be able to beat the missions and quests without a problem and get tons of EXP and money additionally.

Use combos

In the fights of Xenoverse you can attack your foes with light and heavy attacks. Combining these two will give you a major advantage in the story missions and if your timing is perfect you can easily kill a NPC without taking any damage at all. I preferred the four times light and two times heavy combo with my male Saiyan, but keep in mind that the combos are class/gender specific, so choose your favorite combination that is able to throw the enemy slightly in the air with its last punch. While he is flying, you start the combo again and again until he is done. This way your opponent won’t have the chance to start any action to inflict damage to you.

Note: This combo only works in the air, as your second combo won’t hit the enemy when you stand on the ground.

Mentors are the key

Like I mentioned in our review, you can select one of twelve Dragon Ball characters as your mentor. After you’ve finished the first story quests, the Saiyan Saga, you will unlock Vegeta as a mentor who is waiting for you in Toki Toki City. By completing his four challenges you will unlock some pretty good skills, like the Galick Gun or Vegeta’s typical Final Flash and a Z-Soul equipment that will strengthen each of your Vegeta skills. With this powerful combination of skills and equipment, you should be able to inflict a huge amount of damage to your enemies early in the game. After you’ve finished Vegeta’s series of quests, you should select another character as your mentor to unlock further abilities.

Here you can find our Mentor guide.

Other players are much more efficient than your NPCs

If you can’t complete a side quest because your enemies are too strong, try to find some other players to help you. At the Online Parallel Quest station you can look for lobbies of certain side quests, or you can just create your own room to find two other players to join you. There’s no problem if you have only one friend who plays this game as well. Even one other player is much better than two useless NPCs doing nothing.

DB Xenoverse battle

Battle items are your friend

Over the course of the game you will soon recognize that your character isn’t immortal. Before every fight you should visit the item shop to buy some proper healing items to use in battles. Without them you won’t have any chance to get far in this game.

Don’t waste your time grinding to the Super Saiyan skill

If you are playing as a Saiyan, there is only one reason you do that. You want to transform into a Super Saiyan as soon as possible. The first Super Saiyan skill will be available after completing a parallel quest, called Legendary Super Saiyan. In this mission you have to kill everybody but Goku. After you’ve done that, he might become a Super Saiyan. Beat him and you might get the Super Sayan skill. That’s a lot of mights. Before you waste your precious time doing this quest over and over again, just do the next story mission. You can buy the Super Saiyan skill for 50,000 Zeni in the skill shop after you’ve completed the Android Saga.

How to level up quickly

If you just started the game you should do the parallel quest 15 over and over again. This quest is completed pretty fast and will give you enough money and experience to have a good start. After you’ve completed the last story chapter, gathered all the time shards and finished the parallel quest 52, you will unlock the parallel quest 53. This quest is without a doubt the best mission to level your character, as you get around 18,000 experience per run. This can be done in less than a minute, without even fighting anybody. In this video you can see how to do it.

How to get money as quickly as possible

The best way to get money is selling the Hercule badges you get by defeating Time Patroller. If you already finished the story you can do the before mentioned parallel quest 53 as well to get some Zenis. The basic reward for this quest are 38,000 Zenis, but a B rank will get you over 60,000 Zenis in less than a minute!

How to get Dragon Balls

As Dragon Balls are random drops from Time Patrollers, the best and easiest way to get them is doing the parallel quest 15 over and over again. In this quest you have to defeat Frieza as soon as possible to trigger the special event, which is an arriving Time Patroller. By defeating him/her, you have a good chance to get one of these items. Just repeat the process and you should have them in a flash.

If you get sick of doing this mission you can also start the parallel quest 12, which is quite easier than PQ 15 and Time Patrollers are more likely to spawn. If there isn’t a Time Patroller right at the start of this mission, or if he doesn’t drop a key item, just restart the quest.

Here is a list with all the possible wishes you can make, after collecting the Dragon Balls:

shen long wish list


If you need help to unlock and complete all the mentor quests, take a look at our Mentor guide.

If you’d like to know how to ultimately finish every parallel quest, take a look at our parallel quest guide.

Big thanks to the girls and guys of /r/DragonBallGaming for sending in suggestions.

Do you have any other tips? Tell us in the comments or on Facebook, so that we can include them in our guide.

17 responses to “DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE – Beginner’s Guide & Tips

  1. Wow… Where to start? Firstly, you get Hercule Badges from defeating Time Patrollers, not missions. If you DO get one from finishing missions, it’s very rare. Secondly, Time Patrollers are the only way to get Dragon Balls, and the chance is less than 5%(yes I’ve tested it, I’ve defeated 30+ Time Patrollers in the last 3 hours and haven’t gotten a single dragon ball. And lastly in order to trigger the special event in PQ15, don’t transform or have a Super Saiyan with you, and defeat Frieza in under 3 minutes. Time patrollers shows up insta-dies, gives you Badges and you break your controller. Thanks DBXV.

    • First, sorry for my bad english. And second you suck dude, i kill frieza in a minute and a half, and kill the time patroller in a minute most of the times, i am leve 37, right now i killed 30+ time patrollers and got 12 dragon balls.

  2. Yes, you are right. The only way to get the Hercules Badges is by defeating Time Patrollers. I already reworked the paragraph for better understanding.
    I’ve got my first three Dragon Balls in a row, so I’m not quite sure that the chances to get a Dragon Ball are less than 5%. But you are right, normally the chances to get one are very low. And lastly, you can definitely trigger the special event in PQ15 with a Super Saiyan or transformed into a Super Saiyan yourself. Maybe the chances to trigger it are lower than usual, but it worked for me.

    Thanks for the help and I feel your pain, this game destroyed also one of my controllers.

  3. Pingback: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE – Mentor/Master Guide | Shinigaming·

  4. Pingback: DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE – Parallel Quest Guide | Shinigaming·

  5. I tried this – I wrapped sellotape around my hand and the controller on a spot where I could still freely hit the buttons on the controller, and whenever I tried to throw my controller, nothing went flying out of my hand. 😀

      • Yeah, it’s habit to blame that one round where your attacks don’t work on the controller even though you weren’t pressing anything and throw it at your dads face or something. 😀

  6. Great guide, very useful. Ill leave a tip: I get at least 10k experience and at most 18k from the Master Vegeta mission/fight, which you can repeat and he is close to where you spawn in the city, it takes around 2 min at first. You don’t get a chance at dragon balls though.

  7. Gotta love RNG. I’m to the point where I get the time patrol member to show up about every 1 out of 30 fights. 35 second matches with neither my character or the comps dropping below 90% health. I got my first five dragonballs within an hour. the sixth took me a day of grinding and I am still grinding repeatedly since launch to get the seventh. Not even going to attempt to get some of the ultimates or z-souls I want as even if I meet the requirements the events rarely ever happen. Just dice rolls on dice rolls on dice rolls as to whether you are rewarded for your play or not.

    • Yep, I feel your pain. The RNG aspect of Xenoverse is awful. Did you try to do PQ #12 to get the Dragon Balls? Right after starting the mission you should be able to see and challenge a time patrol member. If he doesn’t drop a key item restart the mission. Good luck!

      • Yes, Tien is always there offering to heal you, but sometimes a time patrol member is standing there as well. If he’s not there you have to restart the mission. RNG once again…

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